Drunken Uno Drinking Game
(works with official Uno rules)
Draw 2: Next player takes 2 swallows, draws 2 cards, misses their turn
Reverse: Person who would have gone takes 1 swallow
Skip: Skipped person takes 1 swallow
Wild Card: Everyone takes 1 swallow, except the person who used the Wild Card
Wild Draw 4: Next player takes 4 swallows, draws 4 cards, misses their turn
Wild Draw 4 Challenged - Legal: Next player takes 6 swallows, draws 6 cards, misses their turn
Wild Draw 4 Challenged - Illegal: Bluffer takes 4 swallows, draws 4 cards
No Playable Cards: Take 1 swallow, draw 1 card, play the card if they can
Didn't Say Uno: Take 2 swallows, draw 2 cards
Illegal Card Play: Cheater takes 2 swallows, draws 2 cards
Someone Wins the Hand: Everyone else drinks a full glass