-------- Pyramids -------- A very excellent card game. Get some people together, grab two decks of cards, some beer, and get ready to play. This game is similar to "Up and Down the River." Each player is dealt four cards which they can look at, but shouldn't let others see. The dealer out a pyramid of cards, one card at a time (diagram below). If you have this card, you can tell someone else to drink the number of times for that row. However, considering this is a game of bullshitting and lying, you can even tell people to drink when you don't have that card. But, if the person thinks you are lying, they can call your bluff - which doubles the drinking stakes. If you are suspected of lying, you must show your card. If you are caught lying, you drink double for the number of that is being dealt. Likewise, if you are not lying, the other person drinks double. rows - 1 2 3 4 5 6 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x When you finish the pyramid, the game is over. But if you want to keep on going, simply bring the sixth row back down into another point.