Flip a cup
You need a table, lots of beer, cups(plastic disposable), a
pitcher, 2 teams of about 4 people on each side of the table.
This game tends to make a mess. Each person lines there cup
in front of them and fills cup with beer about half way full.
Fill a pitcher up with the remaining beer. The The two end
people will start first...this is a racing game....the 2
starters will then quickly pick up there cups, drink there
beer and place the cup face down on the table leaving a
little bit off the end...they will then use there hands and
start fliping there cup until it lands staight up. Once
they get there cup up, the next person does the same thing,
and so on until the last person of the team has fliped there
cup. Only one person at a time on a team can be flipping a
cup and they have to make sure that they drank there beer
first before the can start flippin their cup.The losing
team then has to split the pitcher up and drink the beer
in it. the point of the game is to see which team ends
up having all there cups fliped. When you are finished,
each person moves a spot to the left so that the teams get
switched every time.